Have Your Say – Students’ Performance Based on Gender

Have Your Say - Students' Performance Based on Gender

Students' Performance Based on Gender




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1 thought on “Have Your Say – Students’ Performance Based on Gender”

  1. Abdullateef Badamasi

    It is clear that female pupils/students are performing better than males. It is not farfetched i will like to look at it firstly from the parental aspect of it.

    #Parents tend to watch girls’ progress more than boys, check their homework, and correct mistakes. Parents are also more inclined to see girls’ success as due to an effort, but boys’ success of an ability. Such parental attitudes may lead girls to put greater value on working hard and studying. Boys’ belief that they lack ability affects their school performance.
    Secondly is the gender difference as thus;

    #Generally girls and boys score similarly on IQ tests. This makes it unlikely that girls are naturally smarter than boys. However, they consistently do better than their male peers academically. School success requires much more than intelligence alone. High scores require study & hard work, and this is where girls may gain an advantage. Girls read more, are more attentive in class, take better notes, spend more time on homework, and show greater persistence on boring or frustrating tasks. They are also less likely to behave poorly in school. All of these characteristics are required to do well in school.
    In all, Teachers and parents alike needs to perform some form of research to breach the gap between male and female students performance. As seen from these analysis it starts from ta very tender age which strick out the for under performance by the student been playfulness and/or affection of the opposite the gender which happens to be a norms in our society.
    I thought though as i stand to be corrected. Thank you

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