Damale Schools came 1st in Spelling Bee Competition (Junior Category)

A Spelling Bee, Dictation and Quiz Competition for both junior and senior secondary school was organized by Infinite Creative Hub (ICH) in collaboration with Katsina state government.

            The competition took place on 20th November, 2021 at Service to Humanity Hall.

The event was graced by the Honorable Commissioner of Education, highly represented by AD Sport Alhaji Abdullahi Charanchi and his entourage.

About Ten (10) schools were present at the event. Both private and public schools participated in the competition.

The names of the schools include: Damale College, Salama International schools, Iman Malik Academy, Emirate Science, Government College Katsina (GCK), Government Day Kofar Yandaka, Baiwar Alheri, etc.

It was a highly competitive event and Damale College was well represented both in junior and senior categories. The names of the participants for junior Spelling Bee and quiz include: Maryam H. Amir (JSS 2A), Asma Bello Kabir (JSS2A), Shuaibu Lawal (JSS3B), Ammar Usman Nasarawa (JSS3B) and Aisha Dikko Abbas (JSS1B), while Maryam Abubakar Dangani (SS3), Fadimatu El – maruq (SS3), Sada Ahmed (SS3) and Rahanatu Aliyu Galadima (SS2A) participated in senior dictation and quiz.

Outstanding in all categories, Damale College came 1st position in Junior Spelling Bee, which was won by Maryam H. Amir.

The students look forward to more healthy competitions in future, as the competition was educative, insightful, interactive and entertaining.

Reported by
Abigail D. Aribisala
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